Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Nutrition - How to lose weight Tip #1

Weight loss takes time but following simple rules can keep you on the right track and start to show you results within a few weeks.

Start off by tracking everything you eat. Every drop of juice that enters our body, to every tiny morsel of food you eat. Anything you put in your mouth, you should be adding to your food journal. This allows to see exactly what you are eating and what you can eliminate. Writing down what you eat can help you control your portions, which is a significant part of losing weight. This will allow you to see the mistakes you are making. Normally we think to ourselves and say all I ate today was a bowl of cereal and a sandwich when in reality we also had a small piece of a cookie, a small piece of some left over cheddar cheese, and the crumbs in the potato chip bag before throwing it out. All these extra items add up and sit on our bodies as fat, and we don't even remember where it came from!

Written by: Sadia Khan
Picture Source: Creative Commons 

1 comment:

  1. This is very true, there are some excellent places online that allow you to look up certain brands of food and write in portion sizes to keep an online food journal!
    I used for a very long time, it is very usefl and convenient and allows you to do some other things on it as well like calculate calorie intake for weight loss. I would recommend for anyone looking to track their foods/calories to give it a look!
