Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ways to cut calories every day for a healthy lifestyle.

In order to lose weight all you need to do is cut 150 calories from your diet and add 2500 more steps into your day, or burn 150 calories extra while doing a physical activity. You can cut calories from your diet by following these easy steps:

1) Switch to skim milk
2) Use small plates, bowls and glasses in order to control your portion size.
3) Substitute bagels, muffins and rolls for fresh fruit and oatmeal at breakfast.
4) Switch to non fat yogurt
5) Use nonstick cooking utensils to avoid using extra oil and fat
6) Use more vegetables in your omelette and decrease the amount of cheese
7) Increase the number of egg white in the omelette and you wont even notice the difference
8) Switch to whole wheat bread
9) Use fat free mayo in your sandwiches
10) Leave 4-5 bites on your plate
11) Trim all the fat from the meat before cooking
12) Eat 4 ounce portion of meat per meal
13) Eat salad without croutons
14) Eat slow and enjoy the food
15) Don't go for second helpings
16) Drink water before each meal
17) Share your dessert with someone, you will automatically end up eating less
18) Follow the low fat recipes on the cake, brownie and cookie mix boxes
19) Replace juice with water
20) Replace juice with fresh fruits
21) Drink 100% fruit juices without added sugar
22) If you feel hungry in between meals eat an apple, if you're not hungry for apple then you aren't really hungry
23) Choose broth based soups over cream based soups
24) Stop eating when you're almost full, it takes the mind some time to realize that your stomach is full
25) When you get a craving in between meals chew gum it will fool your brain into thinking that you are eating.

Written by: Sadia Khan
Picture Source: Creative Commons