Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nutrition- How to lose weight Tip #9

Its perfectly fine to have some junk food around the house for those days where you are absolutely craving it. However, you should keep the junk food out of your sight on other days. Put it in a coloured bag so that its not easy to see. Keep it on the top shelf in the pantry, or in the back of the fridge or freezer. Keep all cookies in a non see through jar and candy in closed containers. Keep all the healthy food in the front of the fridge and pantry and place the unhealthy food towards the back. Doing this will keep junk food off of your mind and you will only eat it once in awhile when you are really craving it. If you are someone who has no or very little control on your cravings then it is a better idea to just not bring the junk food home. If you want to train yourself then keep the junk food near you and practice controlling the temptation. Try imagining the body you wish you had in your head and instead of reaching for the junk food, eat an apple. I hope these tips help you stay junk food free!

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