Thursday, January 21, 2010

Nutrition - How to lose weight Tip #11

We have all heard of "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," but is this really true? Apples are filled with antioxidants and fiber to help protect you from diseases. They also make great low calorie snacks that fill you up, and help fight weight gain. Apples are known for strengthening your bones and help prevent osteoporosis according to a scientific study.  Eating an apple a day can also lower bad cholesterol in your body. Nutrients in apples help protect you from various kinds of cancers in the body. It is also great for managing diabetes in individuals. A study shows that people who incorporate apples in their diet plan are more likely to lose weight than those who do not eat apples. They also keep your teeth and gums healthy, so you can even keep the dentist away. Apples help digestion so they can also help solve any constipation problems as well.

Just remember that the skin of the apple is the part with all the nutrients so don't peel your apples. If you don't want your apples to brown too quickly place then in a bowl of cold water with a little bit of lemon juice. That should do the trick. Try adding apple slices into your salad for some great flavor. Also apples dipped in peanut butter make a very healthy snack that keep you full for a long time. Now there you have it! A miracle fruit that can keep you away from the doctor's office!

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  1. Very well written article and great piece of advice! Love reading your blogs!!

  2. Very informative and useful. your articles are very interesting. Please keep it up.

  3. You are the best person ever born!
    i worship your advice..............
